Saturday, October 19, 2013


4. Davros

Davros was born in the later part of the Thousand Year War between the Kaleds and the Thals on the planet Skaro. It was a time when mercy and nobility were all but non-existent on Skaro and life was harsh and grim. Shortly after his stepfather's death, Davros joined the Military Youth before joining the Military Corps in his final year of college. He was put in charge of developing new weapons and gadgets to help Kaled soldiers. After his mother killed his father, sister and aunt, Davros no longer had anyone to impress. In honour of Yarvell's death, he and his mother commissioned a statue to house her ashes. In reality, however, Davros used her body for his genetic research. One month after the death of his mother, Davros was grievously wounded by a Thal bombardment of his laboratory in the Kaled Dome which cost him his eyes, taste buds, left arm and entire lower body. As a result, he was forced to spend the rest of his life confined to a mobile life support system. Thirty seconds without his life support could have kill him. The life support system is controlled by a switch on the panel of buttons on his system. Davros had a sound mind early in his life, but the incident that crippled him and his overall experiences in the Thal-Kaled war left him a depraved and insane megalomaniac. He became tyrannical and ruthless, tolerating no opposition to his will and dismissing fairness and democracy as "the creeds of cowards". With his equally ruthless aide, Nyder, Davros ascended to a high rank in the Kaled Scientific Elite and ultimately presided over the creation of the Daleks. Intervention by the Time Lords began a chain of events. The Fourth Doctor was sent to Skaro when Davros first demonstrated the Daleks to the Kaled Scientific Elite. Davros imprisoned the Doctor. He used a lie detector to force the Doctor to reveal the details of the Daleks' future defeats, so that he could learn from them and so his creations, the Daleks, could avoid them. (The Doctor later had this record destroyed.) Davros refused to listen to the Doctor when he begged him to instead make the Daleks peaceful creatures of good, rather than the evil exterminators they would become. The Daleks eventually exterminated Nyder. Davros soon became their next victim, ironically because of the programming that he himself had given them: to exterminate all those who were not pure Dalek. He begged them to have pity on him but they stated that were incapable of doing so as he had not programmed them to feel pity. Davros' suspended body was eventually found in the underground remains of the crumbled bunker and he was revived. Davros opted to help the Daleks in their war against the Movellans. He devised a plan to destroy a Movellan ship. After this failed, he was captured by the Doctor and the escaped Dalek slaves, and imprisoned in a cryogenic freezer as "a block of ice". After ninety years, the Daleks, led by the Dalek Supreme, liberated Davros from his prison station in space, and revived him again. They believed he might help them to find a cure for the virus with which the Movellans defeated them, a virus that attacked only Dalek tissue. Davros released the Movellan virus onto the prison ship, killing all the Daleks on board. The virus began affecting Davros, who promptly fled in an escape pod. Davros survived and set himself up as "The Great Healer" on the planet Necros and lured the Sixth Doctor there. Using the bodies of the dead at Tranquil Repose, Davros created a new race of Daleks with white and gold livery. These would become "Imperial Daleks". The new faction was totally loyal to him. By the time of his attempt to recover the Hand of Omega from Earth in November 1963, Davros had proclaimed himself the Dalek Emperor. He was completely encased within an Imperial Dalek-like shell, though his head and upper body still appeared to be at least partially Kaled. He was nearly killed when his ship was destroyed by the Hand of Omega, but survived once again in an escape pod. Davros was a commander of the Daleks in the Last Great Time War, only to supposedly die during the first year of the conflict at the Gates of Elysium, when his command ship flew into the jaws of the Nightmare Child. However, Dalek Caan broke the time lock and saved him from death. Davros rebuilt the Dalek race by using his own cells, leaving his internal organs and skeleton exposed. Davros called these Daleks his "children". After Davros was rescued by Dalek Caan and had finished creating his new army of Daleks, he used a planet-sized ship known as the Crucible to "steal" planets from across space and time. They took the planets to the Medusa Cascade in a pocket of time one second out of sync with the rest of the universe. Davros had once again become a slave of the Daleks, who had placed him under guard within the Vault on the Crucible as part of a deal he made with the Supreme One. This arrangement required Davros to build a Reality bomb powered by the Crucible and the twenty-seven planets in the Medusa Cascade to destroy all of existence, leaving the Daleks the sole inhabitants of the universe. However, the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor and Donna intervened, destroying the new Daleks and leaving Davros on a burning Crucible. Before leaving in the TARDIS, the real Doctor offered to save Davros, but the creator of the Daleks refused, blaming the Doctor for what had happened and naming him "The Destroyer of Worlds". Davros's ultimate fate was never confirmed. The final words Davros ever spoke were to insult the Doctor as he screamed "You are the destroyer of worlds!". Davros first appeared in Genesis of the Daleks where he met the fourth Doctor. He would later go on to face the fifth, sixth, seventh, and tenth Doctors as well. Aside from the seven stories, Davros also appeared in three other episodes in flashback/archival footage.

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