Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Seeing as how it is nearly Halloween this would be a perfect time to continue with the top Doctor Who enemies of all time. Beginning with this one:


10. The Ice Warriors

A reptilian humanoid creature from Mars, the Ice Warriors are described as biomechanoid cyborgs by the eleventh Doctor. An adult fully armored Iced Warrior can stand up to seven feet tall. Without the armor they have flat faces with fangs and a green tongue. Ice Warriors consider it incredibly dishonorable to remove their armor, and thus only removed it under the most extreme circumstances. Sometimes they are seen with three claws and sometimes with five. The Ice Warriors speak in a slow drawn out hiss. This may or may not be effected by the difference of gravity on earth as that of Mars. The have a tendency to wheeze and move slowly possibly due to a lack of air. Ice Warriors have a strong sense of personal honor. After the Third Doctor saved the life of the Ice Lord Izlyr, he felt obligated to help the Doctor escape. Ice Warriors live in clans and have a hereditary caste system. Fathers pass on land to their adult sons. This feudal way of life continued until the era of the Galactic Federation. Ice Warriors have small sonic weapons in the wrist of their armor as a personal defense weapon. The Ice Warriors are capable of deploying seeds on a planet which alter the environment and make it an icy world. The Ice Warriors, led by Sloar, invaded the central T-Mat base on the Moon which regulated global T-Mat operations. He attempted to use a fungus, which would turn the Earth into a more hospitable planet for them. The Second Doctor and his companions stopped him. Accounts differ as to the downfall of the Ice Warriors, with some mentioning them being at their peak and active thousands of years BC. As Mars became colder, the Ice Warriors adapted to use what the Eleventh Doctor called "survival armor" to survive in the freezing cold temperates. Circa 3000 BC — by Professor Grisenko's reckoning — the Ice Warriors had a mighty empire and a fleet. The fleet was led by the Nix Tharsis and commanded by Grand Marshall Skaldak. In unknown circumstances, Skaldak was trapped under the ice of the North Pole on Earth and was frozen for thousands of years. In 1983, Grand Marshal Skaldak, who had been frozen in ice for over 5000 years, was brought aboard the Soviet submarine, the Firebird. A crew member decided to thaw the ice before they reached Moscow, and Skaldak was revived. After revealing himself, Skaldak was attacked by the crew and imprisoned. He used his armour to send a distress beacon. Managing to escape by leaving his suit, Skaldak noticed that his distress call hadn't been answered. Believing his race to be dead, Skaldak attempted to use the sub's nuclear arsenal to attack the humans on Earth, allowing the two superpowers to strike back in mutually assured destruction. The Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald attempted to talk him into showing mercy. Before he made a decision, Skaldak was rescued by his people. After being brought onto their ship, Skaldak remotely deactivated the launch procedure. By the late 40th century, the Ice Warriors (still in the Galactic Federation) had, for the most part, renounced their war-like ways. The Tenth Doctor believed that the Ice Warriors may have frozen their water to prevent the Flood from escaping and killing all Ice Warriors on Mars. The second Doctor was the first to meet the creatures in the self titled episode the Ice Warriors. Later they would meet the second Doctor again in season 6 episode The Seeds of Death. The third Doctor also met The Ice Warriors a few times. After appearing in the season eleven episode The Monster of Peladon they would not be seen again until the seventh season of the new series. They met the eleventh Doctor in Cold War.


9. The Autons


The Autons are artificial life forms, essentially life sized plastic dummies, animated by the Nestene Consciousness. Though they are not the only creations of the Nestene Consciousness, they are the most common and the most easily identifiable. The typical Auton does not look particularly lifelike. It resembles a mannequin, robotic in its movements and mute, although an Auton leader might speak in a robotic voice. Despite their solid appearance, Autons can change the shape of their features and limbs. More sophisticated Autons can be created. They look and act human except for a slight sheen to the skin and a flat-sounding voice. Autons can also copy specific individuals, though these copies were imperfect. When duplicated, the originals are kept alive to maintain the copy. Mickey Smith was copied by the Nestene to gather information on the Ninth Doctor. Even more accurate Autons can be made, identical in appearance and actions to their models. These Autons are implanted with false memories and actually believe themselves the subjects they duplicated. The models taken from a memory print of Amy Pond could mimic humans perfectly and were used as sleeper agents. The Nestene Consciousness later asserted its influence over them. Somehow, perhaps due to Amy's proximity to a time crack her entire life, one of the duplicate Autons, the copy of her fiancée Rory, partially resisted the control of the Nestene Consciousness. Autons are extremely long-"lived"; The Auton duplicate of Rory existed for almost two thousand years with no visible signs of wear, even with the link to the Consciousness broken by the latters erasure from the universe. They are vulnerable to intense heat, as this causes them to melt. Radio waves can also destroy them, as they interfere with the Nestene's mental control. Bullets have almost no effect on them. When the Nestene Consciousness joined the Alliance, they produced Autons disguised as Roman soldiers in 102. River Song once dated an Auton with a removable/replaceable head. Their first appearance was in Spearhead from Space where they were the first nemesis of the third Doctor. They have faced off against the ninth, tenth, and eleventh Doctor.


8. The Silurians/Sea Devils


The Silurians are a technologically advanced species of Earth reptile. They live along side their aquatic cousins the Sea Devils. The Silurians were the original masters of Earth. They were led by the Triad and used the Sea Devils as soldiers. The Silurians are a varied species, with different subspecies and appearances; there are at least ten or eleven Silurian variations. There are also clans or families with different physical characteristics, some suited for environments of extreme cold or high plateaus. They are basically humanoid reptilians with scaly crests on their head. Silurians are cold blooded and can only survive at warmer temperatures. They are sluggish and slow when cold. Some Silurians can live up to 300 years. Most Silurians possess a third eye on the forehead. The three eyes provide them with a triple-faceted form of vision. The top eye sees in infrared. The third eye is capable of harming organic beings, killing them or leaving them unconscious. They can also revive a human that has been rendered unconscious with the third eye. Energies emanating from it allows them to burn through walls and create tunnels. The Silurians also use their third eye to activate their technology, opening passageways or creating force fields to trap prisoners. Not all Silurians have these third eyes; a tribe found in Wales do not. The Silurians found in Wales used guns reminiscent of Sea Devil guns which could fire fatal energy beams. They also wore armor and used special masks that covered their faces and allowed them to scan objects. The Silurians are generally a peaceful race. Their highest laws forbade outright warfare except for defense. The Silurians are generally led by a Triad, three Silurians who rule jointly. These Silurians come from different backgrounds and control different professions, such as the military and the scientists. The majority of Silurian warriors appeared to be female, just as the females are the more aggressive in some species of lower reptile. The Silurians have advanced genetic capabilities. They brought species back from extinction, including many dinosaurs. They created a genetically engineered plague, which they used against early humans who invaded their crop settlements. This disease was highly virulent and was used as a form of "pest control". The Silurians can bio-program soil, causing it to react to certain events and respond, generally by dragging people underground. They are capable of advanced decontamination, removing diseases and poisons from the body. In 102, a number of Silurians were part of the Alliance of the Doctor's worst enemies that imprisoned the Eleventh Doctor in the Pandorica. Prior to 1888, a group of Silurians was awoken by the digging of the London Underground. This led to the death of several navvies. Vastra, a skilled Silurian warrior who had been awoken by their digging, wanted revenge. The Eleventh Doctor convinced her to live peacefully in London. In 1888 she resided with her human partner Jenny, although she fed on human criminals. Then, she and several of her soldiers were called up by the the Doctor to fight at the Battle of Demon's Run. In the late 20th century a group of Silurians were awakened from hibernation by the energy from the nearby nuclear power research centre. The Silurians tried to reclaim the planet from humanity by releasing a deadly virus. This plan was prevented by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of UNIT and the Third Doctor. Despite the Doctor's best efforts to broker a peaceful solution, the Silurian base was bombed by UNIT by order of the Brigadier. Circa 2084, a group of Silurians allied themselves with the Sea Devils to invade Sea Base 4. They attempted to launch nuclear weapons to provoke a war between the two major power blocs. They were killed when the Fifth Doctor, perceiving no more peaceful option, flooded hex chromite gas in order to kill them. They made their first appearance in Doctor Who and the Silurians featuring the third Doctor. They also fought and worked with the fifth and the eleventh Doctor.

7. The Sontarans


The Sontarans are humanoids with large, bulbous heads and short stocky bodies. They have grey-brown skin and deep set features. Sontarans generally have three digits on each hand (two fingers and a thumb). Sontaran blood is green. The Sontarans reproduce by cloning, meaning each Sontaran is nearly identical to each other. There are some variations over time, such as the number of fingers or height. At least one Sontaran has been gene-spliced for nursing purposes to produce breast milk. Due to the high gravity of the moon of Sontar that they were first created on, the Sontarans have great strength and resilience in lower gravity environments like Earth or Gallifrey. They are vulnerable to Coronic acid, which burns, or in some cases disintegrates them. They absorb energy via the probic vent on the back of their necks. This vent is also their crucial weakness, as any sudden blow to the vent can stun them. The penetration of a sharp object into the vent will kill them. Tampering with the energy source can also lead to a reversal effect that could destroy a Sontaran from the inside out. They are a war-like race with the thought of taking care of the sick or wounded to be beneath them. Fighting for other species is an equally dishonorable fate. Sontarans do not fear death and they would rather be court martialed than show pain. They consider it honorable to face battle "open skinned", without a helmet on. Sontarans wear distinctive battle armor, which resembled a thick and bulky grey space suit. During a period in the early 17th and early 21st century Sontarans had blue, less flexible armor in a similar design. Due to their dedication to warfare and short lifespan, Strax considers a twelve year life to be a long one amongst his species. Sontarans generally have a chauvinistic attitude towards females, considering them unfit for warfare. They sometimes insult their enemies by comparing them to women. They also consider their reproductive systems inferior. Some Sontarans, however, have trouble figuring out which gender humans are. They refer to Earth-born children as "half forms". The Sontarans can use and make a wide variety of hand-held weapons, though they usually use the rheon carbine, a thin, metallic weapon, which was designed to optimally fit the Sontaran hand. The weapons are used for energy projection and hypnotism. The Sontarans also utilize laser rifle weapons, which fire bright beams of red light that can kill a human without any exterior damage. In 102, the Sontarans were among the races who joined the Alliance. They came to Stonehenge and helped imprison the Eleventh Doctor in the Pandorica in order to save the universe. In 1892, after the Eleventh Doctor was brought out of "retirement", Strax defended Captain Latimer's house from snowmen controlled by the Great Intelligence. He tried and failed to save the life of Clara Oswald after she fell off the Doctor's cloud. In 4037, eleven year old Commander Strax was demoted to Nurse for his failure, tending to the humans in the Battle of Zaruthstra. He was summoned by the Eleventh Doctor to Demons Run circa the 52nd century. Commander Strax died in the Battle of Demons Run at the hand of the Order of the Headless. Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint brought him back to life. The Doctor, in his third incarnation, meets the Sontarans for the first time in The Time Warrior, it was also Sara Jane's first episode as well. They also featured in episodes facing the fourth, sixth, second, tenth, and eleventh Doctors.


6. Weeping Angels


The Weeping Angels are a species of quantum-locked humanoids because their unique nature necessitates that they often covered their faces with their hands to prevent trapping each other in petrified form for eternity by looking at one another. This gives the Weeping Angels their distinct "weeping" appearance. The Weeping Angels evolved near the beginning of the universe. They were, in the Tenth Doctor's words, "the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely," since their victims were otherwise uninjured and would live out the rest of their lives in the past. This, in turn, allows them to live off the remaining time energy of the victim's life. However, when this potential energy paled in comparison to an alternative power source to feed on, the Angels were known to kill by other means, such as snapping their victims' necks. Weeping Angels are converted from ordinary statues appeared as they did before being taken over, and other Angels resembled stone statues of winged, humanoid women. Baby Angels resemble cherubs; naked, infant sized versions of adult Angels. Baby angels possess the same traits as the others, but when they aren't seen, their footsteps and child-like giggles can be heard. When showing ferocity, Weeping Angels would bare their fangs and claws. When Weeping Angels become older or grow weaker by starvation, they wear away as a statue would over many years. This wearing could become so severe that they will not look like their original forms anymore, losing their wings and becoming more like a typical statue of great age. These older Weeping Angels do not have the same speed as their "healthy" counterparts, but are just as deadly. They can regain their appearance if re-energised (fed). A single hour is all it would take. River Song once indicated that the Weeping Angels have the ability to transform ordinary statues into Angels (or at least animate and control them, and give them the abilities of true Angels such as quantum-locking). When victims look an Angel in the eyes, the Angel can infect their visual centres, creating an image in their mind. The victim is then mentally influenced by the Angel until it becomes fully grown, at which point it escapes the persons body, killing them. This ability can only be stopped by shutting down the visual centre. The Angels can take the consciousness of someone who has died and speak through them to communicate, as they used the Cleric Bob, whom they killed, to talk with the Eleventh Doctor. Because of their defence mechanism, Weeping Angels are very hard to kill, being immune to all kinds of weapons. However they are capable of starving to death if left without time energy for too long. It is also possible to defeat Weeping Angels by forcing two Angels to look directly at each other, which causes them both to see and quantum-lock each other. The Angels first appeared in Blink meeting the tenth Doctor. They appeared seven more times battling both the tenth Doctor several more times as well as the eleventh Doctor.



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