Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Trigger Man (2007 )



2007's Trigger Man is directed by Ti West who other than his 2009 film The House of the Devil, I've never really been impressed by.  I know his latest offerings Pearl and X are highly recommended but I have not seen either of those yet.  Trigger Man is West's second full length film with 2005's The Roost (which isn't much better than Trigger Man if I'm being honest) being his first.  The film concerns three men who go hunting in Delaware which is good because the film takes place in the forests of Delaware.  As someone who grew up near Delaware I was not aware of there being an abundance of forests in Delaware.  This film seemingly proves me wrong about that though as the forests here seem to go on and on and on.



Shortly after the three friends begin their hunting trip they are stalked and these Manhattans soon find themselves prey to an even more dangerous hunter.  I try to keep my reviews sort of clean and kid/family friendly but please allow me a moment to just say "FUUUUUUUUCK!".  This is without a doubt one of the most boring, stupid, pointless, and near worthless film I've ever seen.  I would rather watch Manos: The Hands of Fate and The Beast of Yucca Flats back to back then ever have to watch this one again.  Most of the 80 minute run time consists of one guy running or walking around the seemingly endless forest hoping to figure out who is trying to kill him.

This has very limited dialogue, which is one of the films good points as it made it easy to fast forward through.  The only person of merit in the film is Larry Fessenden from You're Next and The Dead Don't Die just to name a few.  Everyone else is either one and done or have done a couple other films, some of them also directed by Ti West like The Innkeepers which is sort of OK.  I guess.  Perhaps some day I will see Pearl and X and if I like them I will be able to forget about seeing Trigger Man.  Just like you should do.  One dead redneck in the woods out of five.  Avoid!



  1. Wow. I've never even HEARD of this one but I hear what yer saying. I really liked HOUSE OF THE DEVIL and I though THE INNKEEPERS and THE ROOST were OK if not great. What WAS great was IN A VALLEY OF VIOLENCE -- I loved that one but it's a western. In fact, it's JOHN WICK as a western (hint -- don't get attached to his dog in this one either). However, if was not too thrilled with X even though everyone else loved it; I thought it was merely OK. But then PEARL was classic!!!! And we have the end of the trilogy to look forward to. . . . . but I don't think I'll seek out TRIGGER MAN any time soon

  2. Yeah, there's literally nothing I can point to that would be worth your time watching this. It is bleeding hemorrhoid bad.

  3. I love House of the Devil, and X and Pearl were great, but I guess I won't go for the Ti West complete collection. LOL

  4. No, C.J., I think it's wiser to pick and choose amonst the Ti West oeuvre :D


Romancing the Stone (1984)

  I vaguely remember seeing this shortly after it came out and I have to assume it was one I went and saw with my then girlfriend "Ann...