Monday, October 23, 2017

The Abominable Dr. Phibes 1971

In 1971 American International Pictures went to the pay window once again with this horror comedy starring Vincent Price as Dr. Phibes a man seeking revenge on the crew of doctors who he blames for the death of his wife.  Joseph Cotton plays Dr. Vesalius who was the lead doctor in charge of Dr. Phibes' wife.  Caroline Munro, although never physically appearing in the movie, is seen as Victoria Phibes in photos.  Peter Jeffries is Inspector Trout in charge of investigating the murders of the doctors who begin to drop off one by one at the hands of Phibes.  The way he commits each murder is unique in that each death is based on the ten plagues mentioned in the biblical book of Exodus .  Virginia North portrays Vulnavia, Phibes' beautiful assistant in all things murder.

 When I watch this movie one word comes to mind; "class" and that comes from all of the art deco styling we see here from the props to the clothing styles.  Set in the 1920's it does a perfect job of making it look like England during that time period.  This movie is more than just a film, it's a work of art that just drips with panache.  I really dig the acoustic contraption Phibes must be hooked up to just so he can talk as his vocal chords were destroyed in a fire after a car accident which Phibes was involved in upon hearing the news of the death of his wife.  While always campy this is one time Price wasn't over the top with his acting.  Truthfully, I've never seen this as a horror comedy I look at it as more of a crime drama mixed with a tragic love story.  Of course there is horror sprinkled in as well but everything is very well balanced. 

I have to also give credit to the director Robert Feust who also co-wrote the picture as well.  You can tell he was a production designer before he was a writer or director in that he made this movie a feast for the eyes whether inside Phibes lair playing music on a pipe organ with his animatronic band or out filming a scene with a car chasing a plane in a field.  There's just so much to look at in every scene I think it's more than you can take in during one viewing.  There are many films that are saved due to Price's ability as an actor.  There a couple that couldn't even be saved by him but then you have Dr. Phibes.  This movie is great even when Price isn't on screen as the rest of the stars are just that good.  It's not perfect but it's fun!  4 Plagues of Locusts out of 5.       


  1. Another I haven't seen in a very long time and now, with your post, I want to!

  2. Ah, see that makes me happy because it means my work here has not been in vain.


Something Stirs ...

    Very soon we shall be shaking off nearly a years worth of dirt and begin the month long celebration that is    The Countdown to Hallowee...