Friday, October 21, 2022

Blood Pi (2020)


Usually being a big fan of horror films is very rewarding.  Great scares, wonderful atmosphere, creepy bad guys, and don't forget the music.  Music can make of break a horror film if given half the chance.  Not sure if this is true or not?  Jaws ruined going into the ocean for many people, for several years myself included, and it all started with that theme.  In fact, not the theme, just two notes played on the piano.  You know them.  Even if you've never SEEN Jaws, you know the music.  D ah-dum.  D ah-dum.  And as the danger increased the notes came faster and faster.  Remove that and remove more than half the horror.  And half the fun!  Then, sometimes, watching horror films can be a drag.  A real bummer to have to even sit through.  Dare I say to suffer through. 

Here we have an example of that kind of film.  So, let's get into dissecting this one.  Blood Pi is a 2020 psychotic killer taking out college students and teachers as is their whim type film.  Written and directed by Jordan Pacheco who has only directed a few other low budget, (as is the case here as well) horror films.  Don't feel bad, I didn't know who he was either.  The film stars Sarah Nicklin (Nun of That and Lair of the Beast) as Agnes; a very mousy college student who has no friends and isn't very popular.  To the boys, she's practically invisible.  She is befriended by Victoria, played by Allie Marshall (Donald Cried and 6:45) who is the leader of a group of sorority sisters taking Agnes (later called Angie because who was the last hot chick named Agnes you knew) under their wing and changing her for the better.    

This doesn't sit well with Amber (Anna Rizzo from The Sins of Dracula and Wrong Todd) who was at one point Agnes' only friend.  Amber is also the one killing everybody she comes into contact with who isn't Agnes.  This film is on the bad side but, (there's always a but) it's still worth watching, at least for those who like gore, for just one scene.  That scene features the single most horrible depiction of male genitalia mangling I've ever seen in a film.  So, there's that.  With that it is still barely watchable so I will slice off two flesh masks out of five for this Halloween themed college slasher that I wouldn't have even looked twice at if (1.) it wasn't Halloween themed, (2.) it was a film I had seen before and (3.) I had not signed up to do The Countdown To Halloween Blog-A-Thon.  And the crown went wild!!!!!!     

1 comment:

  1. I just went back and re-read this post and while I started out talking about music in movies I never made my point (something I do on occasion) but unless it's music playing in a scene like a radio or a DJ playing music at a party this has nothing else. Just creaky floorboards and heavy footsteps on wood floors. Terrible ambiance and now that I've said "ambiance" I'm worried that I'm turning into a horror movie snob...


Romancing the Stone (1984)

  I vaguely remember seeing this shortly after it came out and I have to assume it was one I went and saw with my then girlfriend "Ann...