Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mad Magician (1954)



I know what you’ve been asking; Is he going to do an older, classic horror movie this year?  Well, here we go, a horror movie from the 50’s.  Bonus?  Starring in Mad Magician is none other than horror legend Vincent Price.  Vinnie plays the main character Don Gallico who usually only makes the contraptions the real magicians use in their acts.  Gallico decides he wants to start using his props himself in a new magic act.  The only problem is his boss Ross Ormond, only allows The Great Rinaldi to use the props Gallico makes.  What makes things even worse is Ormond has already taken Gallico’s wife from him.  Eva Gabor of Green Acres fame plays Gallico’s former wife Claire. 



Also along for the ride is Mary Murphy (The Wild One, The Desperate Hours, and Junior Bonner) as Karen.  Karen is close to Gallico and is his lovely assistant as well.  One other thing about here that will be important later is she is also dating police detective Lt. Alan Bruce.  Bruce is portrayed by Patrick O’Neal who is also known for The Stepford Wives, The Stuff, and The Way We Were.  Gallico’s latest and biggest illusion includes a giant buzz saw.  One argument and one unfortunate mistake later, there’s a head loose in the streets.  After playing a macabre game of hot potato with one head in a duffel bag, the bodies really start piling up.  Considering when this film was made as well as the story, I expected more effects of some sort but there’s really none to be seen. 



There’s makeup effects as Price makes himself look like two of his victims in an effort to cover up their disappearance but that’s all we get.  Originally released in 3-D, maybe they should have cut that and spent more on effects.  I mean something that is touted as a sort of remake of House of Wax which was released the year before this falls a bit short.  It's only a few minutes over an hour long so how bad can it be really?  I gave House of Wax three and a half so I will shave three piles of sawdust out of five here.  And that’s a weak three, it really is a strong two and a half but I mean, there’s still Vinnie!








  1. Yeah, this was a rather mediocre one. But Jeezy Creezy, was Eva Gabor really in this?!?!? I don't remember. Actually I don't remember much about THE MAD MAGICIAN other than it was kinda meh. But hey, Vinnie IS in it which always makes a movie very watchable!

    1. Yes she is! Look at the movie poster up there ^^^ it has her name on it.

  2. Some Vincent is better than none. Watching House on Haunted Hill right now!

    1. Hey, that's a coinkydink cause I plan on watching the remake soon and hopefully posting about it here before the countdown ends.


Nelly Rapp: Monster Agent (2020)

  The other day I had commented that I had not reviewed an anthology film, and I quickly corrected that over site.   Today I noticed that ...