Friday, October 4, 2024

Frozen In Fear (2001)



Frozen In Fear (or The Flying Dutchman if you go by it’s 2000 title) is another made for TV movie but due to some nudity I’m not sure what channel it was made for.  Starring is Eric Roberts as reclusive artist Sean who lives in a remote part of Montana (I thought all of Montana was remote) who’s artwork attracts the attention of Lacy (Catherine Oxenberg; Lair of the White Worm and Shartopus Vs. Whalewolf) who owns an art gallery in Seattle. She travels to Montana to find Sean and to see if he has any other art she can acquire for her exhibit.  The only problem is Sean lives in a town called Dark Hollow which is nuttier than squirrel poo!  Legendary actor Rod Steiger plays Sean’s friend Ben.  Scott Plank (L.A. Takedown and Melrose Place) is the always town drunk and the sometimes town sheriff.  Rod Steigers’ real life wife Joan plays Moira the innkeeper.  And when a film has very few promo or stock photos you use what you can get.  Hence the photos for this entry.  





Well, oh dear, we do have a mess here, Den of Geek called this movie the biggest pile of shite that anyone could have the misfortune to sit through.  Sadly, they might be right.  As much as I praise Eric Roberts for his work in The Pope of Greenwich Village, here he proves that acting abilities don’t always run in the family.  If Rod Steiger is in the scene, consider it stolen because unlike most everyone else, he actually knows how to act.  And act well he does.  I have to make mention of one moment that had me laughing my ass off.  Let me set the scene:  Lacy, after having met Sean, has sex with him several times at his cabin by the lake.  When she decides she has to go back to Seattle he grabs her arm and says “Wait!”.  She then responds with “You can talk!”.  How did I not notice the two of them had never spoken before that moment?  What?  





 Something else I want to mention about this is it’s been compared to Silence of the Lambs, and described as a retelling of House of Wax (1953) and The Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) which is a stretch but OK, I sort of see it, still, no.  Another thing I want to complain about with this film is everything and I mean EVERYTHING is loud except for the dialogue.  Now I guess I have to score this don’t I?  Let’s give this two classic pieces of music from Richard Wagner out of five.  It is difficult to sit through this as Den of Geek stated especially when it’s a boring three hour long horror film.  Hold on, I’m being told the film is actually only an hour and a half.  Oh, holy Christ!





  1. I have several points of order for this one:
    1) This is the orange one. I figured it out!!! The letters are orange!!!
    2) Yes, ALL parts of Montana are remote.
    3) I beg your pardon?!?!?! SHARKTOPUS VS. WHALEWOLF. I certainly hope you've never seen that movie because I've never heard of it and if you've seen it and I haven't you haven't been doing you due doddy duty and informing me of this stuff!
    4) Seriously can I only watch the "You Can Talk?!?!" scene without watching the entire movie???
    5) I'm moving to Montana soon to raise me a crop of dental floss.
    6) Great googely-moogely you ARE doing the dirty work of watching these deep DEEP cuts of poopy movies. There's a special place in heaven for you. It'll be in the kitchens peeling potatoes. Say hi to Peg for me!

  2. I have indeed seen Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf back in 2020 when the world had the lurgi and it is filled with as much goofy goodness as you can imagine it would contain. There's two others in the series that finds the Sharktopus fighting a Pteracuda in the second film and the first film is the origin story but you can actually skip those because they kinda stink (Eric Roberts is in the first one because of course he is) and just go to this one. You won't miss too many plot points I promise.

  3. Never saw this one. Sounds horrible. I know Oxenberg from her stint on Dynasty in the 80s. She wasn't the strongest actress, then.

    1. Total crap, now I'm rethinking the two out of five I gave it. I might have been too generous!


Nelly Rapp: Monster Agent (2020)

  The other day I had commented that I had not reviewed an anthology film, and I quickly corrected that over site.   Today I noticed that ...