Monday, October 25, 2021

Halloween Kills (2021)


So there's few things in this world that I get offended by.   Honestly it takes a lot for me to "go off" as the youngens would say.  So let me tell you I was upset that this was delayed a year due to the C-word but it is what it is and I understand these movies are made to make money and when you're in the deep end of the pool that's not the time to take chances.  Now here we are a year later and Halloween Kills not only is finally released but it's streaming on Peacock network which I actually have and get to watch it for free in the comfort of my living room.  



So let's talk about what is good in this installment first.  It pays huge homage to the Halloween films that came before it.  It brings back Tommy Doyle, Lindsey Wallace, Lonnie Elam, and Sheriff Leigh Brackett.  Except for Anthony Michael Hall playing Tommy, the rest are played by their original actors.  It reference the masks from Halloween III as the picture above shows.  Nick Castle, who played the original Shape from the first film also returns to play Michael Myers in one scene.  Although I'm not sure which scene it was.  This makes Castle the record holder for the longest period of playing a character in a film series with 41 years.  The record was previously held by Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill.  I also want to mention the kills in this one.  My weren't they aggressive and violent.  Michael Myers must have had a Monster Energy drink! 


Now let's discuss what I didn't like about the film.  EVERYTHING ELSE!  This film offended my intelligence and took me, as a fan of the original film, (remember in this trilogy only the original Halloween film ever happened) for granted.  A lousy screenplay (Danny McBride should be ashamed!), terrible directing, just about every scene feels like there is a better way to capture it.  Thinking about it maybe that falls on to the cinematographer, who, ah the hell with it, let's say does a horrible job as well.  At this point I feel bad for Jamie Lee Curtis who is underused in this installment.  Her and Michael have zero scenes together in this.  ZERO!  So congratulations Halloween Kills, you have done something that few films have done before and that's piss me off!  I'll give this two fire scarred William Shatner masks out of five and one middle finger from both of my hands.  Can a film be a douche bag because I feel like this is the douche bag of horror films. 


  1. WOW! I wonder if I have Peacock; I think I probably might. We just got that "talking into" remote and stuff. So yeah, I haven't seen this yet but your post seems to agree with about everything I've heard about it. And really? Jamie Lee doesn't have ANY scenes with Michael?!?!?!?!? Really?!?!?!? Then what's the point?

    I dunno maybe the point is that we should be able to frolic this coming Friday? Whaddaya think of THAT point???

    1. Nope not one scene do they have together. A frolic? This Friday? Or should that be FriYAY??? Sounds good but with my back being jacked up as it is (waiting to hear back from the Dr.'s surgery scheduler to see when it is happening) I'm really only good for us going out to dinner and them back here for movie night?

    2. Ain't dat pretty much all we EVER did?!?!?! Aw, I dint know yer back was jacked. The closer we get to Friday, we can discuss.

    3. I'm also getting a flu shot after I get done work. Denise might be too. I say just come over and we see where the night takes us! We have so much to catch up on.

  2. I was unsure after my first watch on opening night, but the more it has sat with me, the more I tip toward liking it more. I have Peacock, so going to rewatch. But I do not hate it.

    1. I will say this Joe, with all the bad mouthing I gave it I will admit I didn't hate it and if asked which I would want to re-watch more this or Rob Zombie's Halloween's this would be my choice 9 times out of ten. But man does it piss me off. I think I'm more like a disappointed parent that anything else.

    2. Also would watch this before either of RZ's films. Heck, will watch Resurrection before his movies, too.

      I am hoping this will play better once Halloween Ends is out and it can work better as a bridge in the trilogy of the new films. Not that it shouldn't stand on its own, it should. I am not making excuses. I am just wondering if that will be the case.

  3. That would help it Joe, maybe help me accept it more. Right not this is The Phantom Menace of Halloween movies to me.


Something Stirs ...

    Very soon we shall be shaking off nearly a years worth of dirt and begin the month long celebration that is    The Countdown to Hallowee...