Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Decadent Evil (2005)

We begin with a flashback from Vampire Journals which is a spinoff of the Subspecies film series all of which has roots in Full Moon productions as well as Charles Band.  Of course this one is written, directed, and produced by Charlie as well.  They tell us that story so they can tell us this one.  Morella, a vampire queen, leaves Europe and her family of vampires behind to begin a new family in America.  Starring as Morella is Full Moon films veteran Debra Mayer who has also starred in The Gingerdead Man as well as Blood Dolls.  Phil Fondacaro (Troll, Ghoulies 2, and Blood Dolls)  plays Ivan, a vampire hunter, on the trail of Morella.  At her lair, Morella has Marvin, a homunculus, locked in a cage.  Marvin is another one of Charlie Band's horror puppets.  Charlie loves his puppets!

 Jill Michelle plays a stripper named Sugar who Morella has added to her family.  Daniel Lennox plays her human boyfriend Dex.  Ivan tells Dex about his plans to hunt down the stripper vampires but his main target is Morella.  Dex is a little surprised to find out his girlfriend is a vampire but he agrees to help Ivan.  OK, I gotta tell you about the homunculus sex, Spyce (another stripper vampire and Sugar's sister, yeah I know) is told by Morella to go get her a victim and bring it back to the lair.  Spyce brings home a hooker who they then handcuff to the wall.  Meanwhile Sugar is told to clean Marvin's cage and while she is cleaning it Marvin escapes and finds the hooker and begins to have sex with her.  Charlie is a super perv and I thank him for that!  

 Now, Dex and Ivan get to the vampires house and while Dex goes to look for Sugar, Ivan quickly dispatches Spyce and is about to kill Sugar but wait, he stops.  Why?  Marvin stops him.  Meanwhile Dex has met Morealla.  Ivan finds Morella and we find out Melvin is actually Ivan's father who was Morella's lover when Ivan was a young boy.  We have our big ending fight where Morella bites Ivan but not before Melvin tells Ivan how to beat her.  Before Morella can kill Dex and Sugar, Ivan's blood turns her into another homunculus.  The film ends with Melvin and Morella joined again and in the middle of some homunculus sex!  Is the movie good?  No, not really but I mean, Fondacaro, puppets, vampires in a little more than an hour run time?  How bad can it be.  So we will go for three Studboys out of five. 



  1. I had no clue there was a spin-off of the spin-off of Subspecies.

  2. Surprising as it sounds this is a spinoff of a spinoff. Just ask Cerpts he's the resident Bloodspecies expert. Of course by the time the story gets here it is watered down and Radu himself probably wouldn't recognize this one.

  3. Subspecies I should say, not Bloodspecies.


Romancing the Stone (1984)

  I vaguely remember seeing this shortly after it came out and I have to assume it was one I went and saw with my then girlfriend "Ann...